Storing food safely
Storing food safely
Food wastage – a global bane
Expert bodies report dizzying figures: food waste worldwide is estimated to amount to between 14% and 17%, with almost 14% of agricultural output thrown away before it has even been sold. Wastage occurs at many levels between the field and the plate, and involves many stakeholders, from the farmer to the consumer.
The changing geopolitical environment and instability in certain regions of the world are opening up the threat of critical supply problems and food shortages, making it even more important to safeguard existing crop outputs.
Against this backdrop, protecting crops against pests (in particular grain pests such as weevils, grain beetles, and flour beetles) is emerging as an essential source of leverage to combat this scourge. From harvesting to shipping and from storage to processing, Lodigroup provides solutions to ensure the safe preservation of stored foodstuffs.
Helping you find the right solutions
LODIGROUP’s technicians and engineers are at customers’ disposal to carry out expert appraisals and identify swift solutions to deal with grain pests. During on-site visits, we identify the particular origins and factors that can lead to contamination, and determine how best to neutralise them.
We offer quick and relevant solutions to optimise the performance of your installations and cut the costs entailed by grain pests – pests that were previously poorly identified and thus not properly dealt with.
Our customers
in france and worldwide
Farmers and warehousers
Storage organisations
Food processing
First and second-stage processing
Promoting sustainable results
We also support you as you implement quality policies, making sure you enjoy the benefit of the work we do, long-term.
We’re especially mindful of the need for these audits and expert appraisals to result in genuine skills transfer, with recommendations taken fully on board by your people to deliver lasting positive effects.
Farmers, storage organisations, and food industry professionals can find out all about how we combat pests and preserve their grain assets.